
Gracias for taking the time to visit my page! I accepted at a young age that I have a unique name, most people stumble upon it among meeting me, doctors call me by my last name, you get the picture. I normally introduce myself as Yadi (short, sweet, to the point) and family/Spanish speaking friends get the honor of calling me by my full name. I created this blog with the intention to form a close relationship with all my readers and fellow bloggers.

So let me introduce myself again, my name is Yadira, which literally translates into, “she will say.” If you’re like me and want a full explanation, here you go:

Ya: Adverb in the present = NOW
dira: Transitive verb = TO SAY
Yadira = Now, she will say, hence shewillsay.com was born.

This blog is an outlet for me to share my Latina voice with others, and to demonstrate how to be chingona en la cocina!
