8 Ways to Re-Energize at Work Without Coffee

I work on-the-go, so unless I bring a cup of coffee with me I’m S.O.L. if I need my caffeine fix. So what am I supposed to do without the communal coffee at the office? It takes all the will power in me to stop myself from going into the nearest coffee shop drive-thru. Some people don’t like coffee, and that’s ok, but that just means there has to be creative ways to re-energize without relying on coffee, right? The tricks below work for me, and I would like to hear what things you do to give yourself a boost during a mid afternoon slump!

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have been around since ancient times, and have resurfaced their way into social media as “superfoods.” These tiny seeds are major energy boosters, a great source of fiber and protein, and can be mixed into literally anything. They have a mild taste, and the longer they soak in liquid the gummier the texture. They absorb all fats, oils, and liquids, so the possibilities are endless! Mix just a teaspoon into your next smoothie or water and you’ll reap the energy benefits all day!

Stay Hydrated

That brings me to my next point, your body needs good ‘ol H20 to stay alive! Drinking water throughout the day will keep you hydrated and alert. Be proactive about water, it aids in digestion and naturally cleans your body of toxins. Dehydration leads to fatigue or can confuse your body for hunger! Not only is water the healthiest drink option for you in the office, it’s free, so drink up!

5 minute Me[ntal] Break

It’s ok to give yourself a “5 minute me break”. Let me say that again, it’s ok to give yourself a “5 minute me break.” We focus so much on meeting work deadlines and stressing over everything going on around us, that we forget about our own well being. Mental health is something that’s unfortunately overlooked and can sometimes be perceived as being “weak minded.” I say B.S. to that, you can’t take care of anyone or work under pressure if you neglect to take care of yourself first. So take the 5 minutes, you’ve earned it.

Stretch at Your Desk

Simply inhaling large breaths and slowly exhaling them is calming in itself. Now pair that with some light stretches and you’ll be awake in no time. Use what you have to your advantage, if you have a rolly chair integrate it into your stretches. If you have a large carpeted area, get on the floor and reach for your toes. This sounds funny but it’s actually a thing, see here, and here.

Hands Off Social Media

Hand held access to social media has made us increasingly unproductive. The average person spends 2 hours a day on social media! Ditch the political posts and get off your feed. It’ll only give you text neck, and you’ll be annoyed that your high school friend’s Mom is trying to get you to buy this powdered shake.

Play Your Favorite Songs

I drive a lot, so I put the radio on really loudly and sing my heart out. Not only is it a mood booster, but I forget that I was yawning a few seconds ago. I wouldn’t recommend doing this if you’re in an office, maybe slip in some headphones and put on your favorite playlist. Certain songs have a way of bringing back memories, go for the good times.

30 Minute Gym Break

If you have a work gym, or take a 1 hour lunch break, then why not get a quick sweat sesh in? Select fitness studios offer 30 minute versions of their regular 1 hour classes. Nothing like a rush of endorphins for a burst of happiness and alertness for the rest of the day!

Phone A Friend

Call someone who you love! Your Mom, Dad, or your bestie, you get what I mean. Call someone who is a champion for you and always puts you in a cheerful mood. Make it a quick call, but just chatting with someone aside from work topics may give you the lift that you need. We’ve gone away from actual phone calls, and text the day away, get some real, meaningful human interaction, you’ll feel re-energized.

Things to Avoid

Soft drinks, sugary or salty snacks, heavy lunch meals, energy drinks, or alcohol. These go without saying, but we get hungry, so we go for the free office snacks. Or we get bored, and turn to unhealthy habits for comfort. I’ve seen companies get too happy during lunch hours, and can’t imagine how they function in an office setting. You will crash, and you’ll feel sluggish the rest of the day. If you find yourself relying on these things, start by simply cutting back. If you normally have 3 soft drinks a day, try only having 1 and replacing the other 2 with iced water. If you normally eat out 4 times a week, try making it a Friday only thing. The cocktails can wait for happy hour. 🙂

Work smarter, not harder, same goes for your body. By making health conscious decisions, you’ll naturally feel more energized and in turn be more productive. Lastly, catch some z’s, everyone’s sleep patterns are different, but you can’t cheat your body of sleep. I hope these office tricks help give you the energy you need to conquer the rest of the week! Happy hump day!

Yadira Torres


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