My First Surgery

Hello World,

I’ve always wanted to start my personal food blogging journey, but I knew it would be time-consuming, and I’m the type of person that has to put 100% of myself into something, or I won’t do it at all. So when I took a medical leave from work, everyone asked me, “What are you going to do with all your free time?” This was actually a daunting question since my daily routine was blocked out from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm. I didn’t want to get too ahead of myself, after all I was going to be bed ridden for two weeks, but I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

After dealing with over a decade’s worth of foot pain, I finally had a double bunionectomy on my feet on December 23rd, 2016. Prior to surgery, my loved ones even suggested I try this Mexican ritual where you bind banana leaves around your feet every night! – I opted for a date with my podiatrist instead. Now this is a food blog so I won’t be posting any gross pictures of my feet (although I do have plenty since I’m tracking my healing progress).

With this blog I hope to inspire you to create delicious home cooked meals that fit around your busy and active lifestyles. I have fallen in love with healthy meals using quality ingredients, and “me siento muy excited” to share my passion for food with you.

If you or know anyone who is considering getting this type of foot surgery please feel free to use me as a reference, and shoot me an email! I have an upcoming third follow-up visit, and so far I am on track to be in normal tennis shoes starting late next week. My mobility is still strictly around the apartment, and I hope to be able to drive soon. Until then, from my cocina to yours!



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  1. Salud prima 😄🍷
    I didn’t know about your surgery till now
    I hope you are doing okay
    And I’m so looking forward to following your blog
    Kriss 💜

    1. Thank you Kristina!! It was a spur of the moment decision! I had been avoiding the surgery for some time now, and my podiatrist sat me down and set a date for me! So glad I did it, I’m already seeing results! I can’t be on my feet for too long, so as soon as I’m more mobile I will be able to post a lot more! Thanks for reading!


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